Dr. Christopher M. Bates
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Get to Know Dr. Bates
Dr. Bates is married to his lovely wife Layla and they have a young daughter and 2 dogs. During their five years in Fort Worth, he and his wife found true friends in genuine, honest, caring people, and decided they had to raise their family here.
Dr. Bates grew up in in southern California until high school when he moved to a Washington town called Walla Walla. Transitioning from Orange County to a farming-based rural community in Washington State taught him the value of hard work, discipline, honesty, and being genuine.
His educational journey has taken him all across the country, from undergraduate at Washington State University, obtaining degrees in both Physics and Biochemistry, to medical school at Wake Forest School of Medicine in North Carolina, to Orthopedic Surgery residency at John Peter Smith in Fort Worth, Texas, and finally to Hand Surgery fellowship in Cincinnati, Ohio with Dr Peter J. Stern.
His surgical practice focuses on patients with ailments of the upper extremity, especially in treatment of the hand, wrist, forearm, and elbow.
Meet Dr. Christopher M. Bates
Dr. Bates - Conditions Treated These are just a few examples

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome can cause serious hand and finger numbness, tingling, discomfort, and persistent nighttime symptoms. We have several treatment options including splinting, injections, and open or endoscopic surgery. Leaving this untreated can result in permanent damage.
Trigger Finger (or Thumb)
The medical term for this is stenosing tenosynovitis, but patients more commonly refer to it as trigger finger. Triggering is when a finger 'pops' back and forth when opening/closing a fist. The finger can sometimes become 'stuck' temporarily as well. Treatment depends on duration and severity, but includes medications, activity modification, injections, and surgical treatment.

Ganglion Cysts
This is a collection of normal joint fluid in an abnormal spot, which causes a bump under the skin that can grow and shrink with time. Treatment is really decided by you, the patient. We can monitor, aspirate, or remove surgically.

Thumb Arthritis
This is an extremely common location for arthritis and chronic pain. Many patients describe achiness or soreness at the base of the thumb that moves up and down. Dr. Bates focuses on techniques that improve recovery time for the patient so you can get back to life quicker.

Wrist Arthritis
Patients often report pain, soreness, swelling, and decreased motion in the wrist. This can occur from several different causes: from trauma, systemic disease, infection, etc.

Distal radius fractures
These are an incredibly common injury, especially the older we get. Dr. Bates is well-versed in treating these fractures in patients of all ages. Common treatment methods include splinting, casting, and several different types of surgery. I work with you to help us choose the best treatment for you.

Hand Fractures
These are extremely common and treatment varies widely based on several factors. I will help guide you through the options, the data, and the expected outcomes of each to choose the best method for you.

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
This is less common than carpal tunnel syndrome, but can cause similar symptoms of hand numbness and weakness. I focus on techniques that get you back to activity and normal living as quickly and safely as possible.EDUCATION
Orthopedic Hand & Upper Extremity Fellowship: University of Cincinnati Mary S. Stern Fellowship
Orthopedic Surgery Residency: John Peter Smith Hospital, Fort Worth, Texas
Medical School: Wake Forest School of Medicine, MD
Undergraduate: Bachelors of Science x2, Physics and Biochemistry, Minors in Spanish & Math, Washington State University
Orthopedic In-Training Exam: Scored in the top 0.5% nationally (100th percentile) during final 2 years of residency
Orthopedic Intern of the Year
UNT Research Day Poster Presentation Winner, 1st Place
John Peter Smith Professionalism Award (voted on by OR, Clinic, Floor Staff)
John Peter Smith Resident Teaching Award (voted on by medical students)
Invited Speaker for Fort Worth Physical Therapy / Certified Hand Therapists
Invited Lecturer for Doctors Demystify Course on Orthopedic Hand Surgery, 2017, 2019
Texas Orthopedic Association Conference Podium Presentation Resident Winner Contributor
Gold Humanism Honor Society Inductee
Honors College Thesis Pass with Distinction, Stephenson Scholar (Highest recognition)
Paraprofessional (Resident Advisor) of the Year (Highest recognition)
Washington State University Distinguished Regents Scholarship (Full merit-based scholarship)
P. Ross, C.M. Bates, R. Matar, A. Swenson, Dorsal Bridge Plates: Outcomes and Complications, in progress
W.F. Pientka II, C.M. Bates, A. Pientka, Effect of Changing Hydrocodone to Schedule II on Prescriber Habits and ED Visits for Postoperative Pain, in progress
R.A. Wagner, C.M. Bates, H.B. Sanchez, Prepatellar Fat to Patella Ratio Helps Predict Complication Rate after Total Knee Arthroplasty, J Arthroplasty, 2018, Jul 33(7):2251-2255
W.F. Pientka II, C.M. Bates, B.G. Webb, Asymptomatic Migration of a Kirschner Wire from the Proximal Aspect of the Humerus to the Thoracic Cavity, 2016, JBJS Case Connector, Vol 6, Issue 3
J.F. Plate, C.M. Bates, C.J. Tuohy, et al, Age-related degenerative functional, radiographic, and histological changes of the shoulder in nonhuman primates, 2013, J Shoulder Elbow Surg, S1058-2746(12)
C.M. Bates, F. Stevens, S. C. Langford, and J. T. Dickinson, Motion and Dissolution of Drops of Sparingly Soluble Alcohols on Water, 2008, Langmuir, Volume 24, Issue 14, Pages 7193-7199
C.M. Bates, F. Stevens, S. C. Langford, and J. T. Dickinson, Nanoscale craters in poly(methyl methacrylate) formed by exposure to condensing solvent vapor, 2007, Journal of Materials Research, Volume 22, Number 12, Pages 3360-3370
Fatherhood, CrossFit, Snow Skiing, Audible